Utah—Greater Wasatch Broadband
Geographic Area
The Greater Wasatch Broadband includes all of Cache Valley, the Wasatch Front and the Wasatch Back, and a lot of beautiful Utah territory.
Broadband Leaders
Di Allison, Janifer Larson, Barbara McConvill
Contact Us
We are looking for interested Broads and Bros to be part of our Leadership Team to reactivate our Broadband at this crucial moment in protecting and preserving public lands in all of Utah. To find out about our scheduled events and activities, click HERE.
Focus areas:
- Keeping public lands in public hands
- National forest travel management plans
- Education and advocacy in mitigating effects of climate change
- Monitoring the Nordic Valley Ski Area expansion proposal
- Tabling events for Broads
- Continuing to collaborate with other organizations
- Hiking/snowshoeing with a purpose