LD Delano
Board Co-Chair
LD Delano’s love affair with the outdoors began with family vacations traveling in a station wagon and sleeping in a canvas tent. Most trips included visiting at least one national park and plenty of fly-fishing.
Spending most of her life in “the big, square states out West” fed her love for outdoor adventures and spawned a desire to keep the land healthy. Leading backcountry trips for a youth organization for many years allowed her to share the importance of protecting wild places with a sizable audience of both kids and their parents.
LD is winding down her “day job” as an architect specializing in healthcare facility design. When she discovered Broads, she was inspired to lend her business and leadership skills, experience serving on various boards, as well as her infectious enthusiasm to further the organization’s mission. She also looks forward to spending more time backpacking, biking, traveling, watercolor painting, and nature journaling.