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Date Topic
August 1 Q&A Webinar – Wilderness and Beyond Conference

Are you curious about the Wilderness and Beyond Conference? Do you have questions before you register? Would you like to learn about our progress, speakers, and panels? What about the Broadband poster session? We are excited to share all we know and answer any questions you may have.

Broadband Leaders and Staff
Special Wilderness and Beyond Conference Update
Thursday, August 1, at 4pm Mountain

We will send the Zoom link to registered participants.

May 2 Greater Sage-Grouse Webinar and Comment-Writing Workshop
Leadership Calls Database

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Found 8 evaluations. Click on table headers to order by columns.

Call Date Call Name Participant Name Call Feedback Further Comments & Questions
Di Allison

Super easy to understand, I think. Newbies were asking appropriate questions. Great to be able to have headquarters Dashboard on and those who needed it have theirs on because that enabled them to ask questions they might not have been aware of before.

Nope. Thanks.

Linda McNeill

It was well organized and clear. The slides described the process of adding contacts as well as members. I have not added contacts, but I will in the future.

Not at this time.

Barb Fox-Kilgore

It was well organized giving good background and step by step on how the membership travels between HQ and BB.
Hearing other members way of recruiting was good and felt there is a lot of shared approaches.

I look forward to reviewing the recording and going over the steps /time line of membership from HQ to BB to better imprint.

Linda Pace

I think it could be broken into 2 parts: the theory( flow charts and why we do things) and then the practice( those pesky tabs and spread sheets).
I learned so much, though, about contact lists and new members and what happens next. One of the best parts was sharing how different bands deal with communicating with their group.

I still don’t quite get the “claiming” new members part. the word “Google Group” sets my head to spinnin’.

February 15, 2023 Why are Grazed Public Lands such a Mess? Arleen Richter

I liked the presentation because it was concise and meaninglful.

This is a very important topic, I just wish we could have the meetings in person.

February 15, 2023 Why are Grazed Public Lands such a Mess? Cuyler Boughner

I had attended the two day grazing conference in Salt Lake City last June so this was an excellent recap and summary of the issues and data presented there. These three presenters gave a very “user friendly” yet highly professional basis of how grazing is literally at the root of big environmental problems. I greatly appreciate their openness in being contacted in the future with questions, etc.

February 15, 2023 Why are Grazed Public Lands such a Mess? Laura Glismann

The variety of speakers, their different roles and perspectives on the issue made the Zoom meeting very interesting.

I’d like to view the Zoom call again and take better notes for future action. It is attached to your email. Thank you.

February 15, 2023 Why are Grazed Public Lands such a Mess? Rynda Clark

Well worth my time.

Wish we had more time for questions.

Adam Bronsteins resource handout was very useful for informing where we can make a difference as Broads