Alaska Soles Broadband
Geographic area
The Alaska Soles Broadband represents the entire state of Alaska!
Broadband Leaders
Loren Karro & Kathy O’Reilly-Doyle
Contact Us
Great Old Broads for Wilderness is on the map in Alaska!
The Alaska Soles Broadband has been jump-started, by Loren Karro and Kathy O’Reilly-Doyle. When we first heard of the Great Old Broads for Wilderness, a woman-led organization focused on grassroots advocacy for wilderness, both of us wanted to join but soon found out there was no chapter in Alaska. Well, now there is! We attended the Wilderness Advocacy Leadership Training Session (WALTS) held in Sante Fe in spring of 2019 and are ready to go.
We are passionate about hiking, wildlife, wilderness, chocolate, reading and enjoying deep conversations on many issues. Both of us have lived in rural Alaska but now call Palmer and Anchorage home.
Our goal is to build a strong Broadband in Alaska, focused on Education, Stewardship and Solution-Based Action. We want to explore the issues, discuss creative alternatives, find common ground wherever we can, determine where we can have the greatest impact and act.
We want to bring wisdom and humor to our conservation efforts in Alaska. We don’t want arguing and divisiveness, there is already too much polarization in Alaska.
We live in an amazing state that is valued throughout the world for its vastness, wilderness, wildlife, beauty and possibilities for solitude. We want to celebrate and ensure that our current generations, and future generations, can continue to experience the awesomeness of our Alaska public lands.

Co-leaders Kathy & Loren
We expect to start up with some meet ups, book discussions and brainstorming this summer. We plan to begin setting our priorities and focus areas within the next several months, so if you are interested in learning about upcoming gatherings, please send us your contact information and ideas on your particular interests, talents and concerns.
Broads—and Bro’s—are welcome to join us! It doesn’t matter if you are “old” or “young”, we want to make sure the group is inclusive.