Oregon—Rogue Valley Broadband
Geographic Area
Rogue River basin in southern Oregon from Roseburg to Ashland and west to the coast.
Broadband Leaders
Bucky Dennerlein and Linda Pace
Contact Us
Focus Areas:
Old Growth/Maturing Climate Forest Preservation
Cascade Siskiyou National Monument
Rogue River Watershed/ Rogue-Siskiyou and Klamath National Forest and the River Democracy Act
Getting out together for fun in our beautiful landscape
Rogue Watershed,Water Quality/Safety Monitoring; partnering with Rogue Riverkeeper.
Opposing Late Mungers and other public land timber sales.
Meeting local and state representatives.
Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Area Preservation and Protection Project, partnering with KS Wild.
- We love hosting campouts and other outdoor activities! Contact us for details on upcoming events!
Carried our signs, wore our gear, added our voices to timber sale protest in Grants Pass.
Honored Great Old Broads in a Letter to the Editor on forest management, Grants Pass Daily Courier.
Bucky and Linda joined Susie volunteering on the Rogue Riverkeeper water monitoring project which Susie has been working on for several years.
Sent out a survey to see who Rogue Broads are in summer of 2022 and what we want to accomplish as a Broadband.
To re-engage with Broads and Bros in our basin and further environmental goals. We would love to hear from you!