Webinar: Taking a Deep Dive into the Finalized BLM Public Lands Rule

Webinar: Taking a Deep Dive into the Finalized BLM Public Lands Rule
June 25, 4:00 P.M. (Mountain)
On April 18th, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released its final “Public Lands Rule” to balance and uphold its multiple-use mission. This new framework promises to place conservation, access to nature, wildlife, cultural lands protection, and climate change mitigation on equal footing with industrial development across the West.
Great Old Broads for Wilderness is partnering with Third Act to host a FREE webinar about the Public Lands Rule on June 25th at 4:00 PM (Mountain). Join us for a panel discussion and deep dive into the content of the Public Lands Rule.
Our expert panelists will be Bruce Hamilton (National Volunteer, Third Act), Michael Carroll (BLM Campaign Director, The Wilderness Society), Danielle Murray (public lands policy expert), and Sara Husby (Executive Director, Great Old Broads for Wilderness).
Register Today!
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