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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Susan Ostlie on June 30, 2019

Shining River Trail Maintenance and RGVBB meeting

April 14, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 6
Participants 12
Total Hours 74

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Open Space Volunteer coordinator

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail built/cleared (3 mile(s))

Short Description of Activity

The Broads have been maintaining the Shining River trail since 2012. Our group does trash pickup, and trail clearing with McCleods, pulaski’s, and loppers. We did not have time to do beaver fencing this time.
Afterwards the group met for Lunch and had a guest speaker who educated us about invasive plant management in the Bosque, as well as planning for summer activities. We also updated the group on the forest plan revision process for the Cibola, the Santa Fe and the Carson NF’s.


We did accomplish the trail maintenance that needed to be done.