Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on July 7, 2019
NSJBB ~ June Raptor Monitoring
July 4, 2019 – July 18, 2019
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 3.5 |
Post Admin hours | 2.5 |
Activity Hours | 4.5 |
Participants | 5 |
Total Hours | 28.5 |
Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Ridgway State Park
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Wildlife monitored (2 surveys of one site)
Short Description of Activity
Monitored the Golden Eagle nest on two occasions – June 4 and June 18; several shorter visits to the observation occurred to discern if parents were still coming to the nest.
Amazing. Caught the eaglet flapping wings.Clearly food in the nest for nestling to eat even though never saw parents at nest.
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Photo Captions
Photo of golden eagle nestling. Photo credit: Chuck Ramsey.