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Activity Report Explorer

NW Colorado • Entered by Barbara Vasquez on July 11, 2019

work to protest/comment CO BLM Sept Lease Sale

May 15, 2019 – June 30, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 50
Post Admin hours 44
Activity Hours 47
Participants 5
Total Hours 329

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Northwest CO Broadband- fighting proposal from BLM KFO
Landscape/area: BLM CO – Kremmling Field Office (21000 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Oil/gas parcel(s) documented (13 site(s)/plot(s))
Outcome 2: Oil/gas parcel(s) documented (21000 acre(s))

Short Description of Activity

Walked 13 of the 33 parcels offered in the CO BLM’s O/G lease sale in North Park in the company of 4 other Broads (Carol, Diane, Maggi, Cristina). Included 3 parcels adjacent to Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge. One parcel with significant archeological resources studied by CNU and included in BLM’s own reporting. All the parcels walked, and all but 2 of the parcels offered, are within Greater Sage Grouse priority habitat. Many intersect with important wildlife habitat including elk migration corridors, important productions areas, winter concentrations areas and severe winter range. Also pronghorn severe winter ranges. Recorded parcel information with photos and comments using the Collector App including landscape (sage brush habitat, riparian corridors, springs) and wildlife (prints, scat).
Media Attention: Toured local Steamboat independent reporter Shannon Lukens who also does spots for KRAI Radio on two parcels. Diane gave audio clip. Got local radio coverage. Barbara was interviewed by Judith Kohler, DP and got quotes in an article in the DP about the oil/gas lease sale in North Park, picked up by “Western Energy” and “Look West”.
Synching up with other organizations:
Includes initial contact with Sierra Club (2 hr meeting Diane & Barbara) plus followup meetings to build plans for media and grass tops involvement. Coordinated comment reviews with The Wilderness Society and Center for Biological Diversity.
Wrote extensive comments and submitted to BLM before deadline.


These goals were met: Gather information on lease parcel sales to inform comments to BLM. Introduce other Broads in Northwest CO Broadband to sage brush biome, Greater Sage Grouse habitat and values of large undeveloped landscapes for wildlife including elk, moose, deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep. And to the ring of wilderness areas surrounding North Park. Would have gotten to a few more parcels if several days had not been shut out by extremely muddy roads and late snowstorms. Extensive comments written and submitted to BLM.