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Activity Report Explorer

Maine • Entered by Theo Pratt on September 2, 2019

Weskeag River Water Monitoring Project

June 1, 2019 – August 31, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 20
Post Admin hours 16
Activity Hours 64
Participants 7
Total Hours 484

Key Issue: Water-related Conservation
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Stream/river sampled (192 site(s)/plot(s))
Outcome 2: Data analysis (8)

Short Description of Activity

Bi-weekly sampling at eight sites in three teams of 2 – 3 volunteers. Bacterial samples delivered to two different labs for analysis. Spreadsheets maintained of data collected.


We are continuing a study of the health of the Weskeag Marsh and Estuary to establish a long-term record of temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, salinity and bacteria present. This data is collected from June 1 to Sept 30 and is reported to Maine DEP. We expect to continue this project next year.