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Activity Report Explorer

South San Juan Broadband • Entered by Anne Dal Vera on September 5, 2019

Pagosa Area Trails Council

July 22, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.5
Post Admin hours 0
Activity Hours 4.5
Participants 1
Total Hours 5

Key Issue: Wilderness and Monuments
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Pagosa Area Trails Council
Landscape/area: Weminuche Wilderness (496972 acres)

Short Description of Activity

met with trails groups, Forest Service, SJCA and discussed how to clear trails on Pagosa District. The goal was to show that SSJ Broads is willing to step up and help clear trails with other groups. And to make contacts with user groups primarily interested in trails access.


Groups are focused on trail access, while SJCA and Broads protect wilderness. We can work together and show that crosscut saws can achieve the goals of clearing all trails in 3 years. I am concerned that Columbine District is not as well organized, yet is not getting the pressure that Pagosa is getting from user groups. It would be advantageous to also meet with the Southwest Colorado Trails Roundtable in November.