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Activity Report Explorer

Granite Broads • Entered by Linda Graham on September 10, 2019

Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest campout

August 21, 2019 – August 24, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 10
Post Admin hours 10
Activity Hours 72
Participants 9
Total Hours 668

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Education and Outreach
Key Partners: Mass broads with Granite broads, Hubbard Brook experimental forest, Appalachian Mountain Club
Landscape/area: White Mountains Wilderness (FS) (230005 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Invasives removed (60 site(s)/plot(s))

Short Description of Activity

Camp and farmhouse stay at Hubbard Brook. Tour of forest. Learning application as citizen scientists of iNaturalist app. Forest bathing introduction. yoga in the outdoors.


The intention was to learn more about what work and experimental forest does and how it plays out in our national policies. Introduce more women to the format of a Broad walk. Learn about citizen science and how we may use our own hikes, excursions to participate in larger data collections. Have fun and more fun. Meet each other with a common interest. Stewardship for the forest. All done and not a negative word was heard.


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Photo Captions

Agenda; at the first watershed with Amey Bailey and Sarah Thorne