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Activity Report Explorer

National HQ • Entered by Katya Spiecker on November 12, 2019

DC National Rendezvous

November 2, 2019 – November 7, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 7
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 72
Participants 14
Total Hours 1016

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Endangered Species Coalition, Wildlands Network

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy calls/emails/letters (40 Lobby Meetings)
Outcome 2: Advocacy calls/emails/letters (15 Follow-up Emails)

Short Description of Activity

Broadband leaders flew to Washington DC to lobby their members of Congress on various bills and issues. Schedule: Nov. 2 arrival and settle into the Airbnb; staff (Lauren, Lisa, Katya) trained leaders all day Nov. 3; Nov. 4 & 5 were scheduled lobby meeting days; Nov. 6 was a play-day and our celebration dinner (some leaders had a few final meetings); and everyone flew out on Nov. 7.
Participants were divided into four lobby teams, Team 1 MT/CO, Team 2 OR/WA, Team 3 AZ/UT/NM, and Team 4 GA/NH. Broads who attended were…
Barbara Phalen (Seattle Polly Dyer BB, WA)
Rynda Clark and Julie Weikel (Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads, OR)
Di Allison (Greater Wasatch BB, UT)
Linda Star and Susan Ostlie (Rio Grande BB, NM)
Barbara Jacobsen (Yavapai-Prescott BB, AZ)
Nancy Ostlie and Linda Helow (Bozeman BB, MT)
Robyn Cascade (N. San Juan BB, CO)
Karen Ryman (Roaring Fork BB, CO)
Anne Heikkila (Blue Ridge BB, GA)
Carolyn Rader (Atlanda BB, GA)
Linda Graham (Granite BB, NH)


Overall, the event went very smoothly. Logistics of travel and lodging went well, with a small hitch of no heat in the Airbnb and poor response from the owner. (Don’t rent there again.) There were enough beds for everyone and some had to share a bed.
Lobby meeting scheduling was done by leaders and supplemented by Lisa. They found the scheduling guide to be helpful for this and it was a good learning experience for them. It was a challenge to get them to narrow down their lobby topics and focus on ones that had legislation, but eventually they understood that an effective “ask” won’t happen without this. The majority of lobby topics included legislation for wildlife safeguards and Wilderness designation.
We have an evaluation form to review leader feedback in the 2019 DC Rendezvous Google Drive folder.