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Activity Report Explorer

SW Utah • Entered by Katy Peterson on November 24, 2019

Books and Boots

October 15, 2019 – October 15, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 4
Participants 8
Total Hours 36

Key Issue: Wilderness and Monuments
Activity Type: Education and Outreach
Key Partners: none
Landscape/area: Red Cliffs National Conservation Area (44725 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: education (1 books read)
Outcome 2: Hiked (3 mile(s))

Short Description of Activity

Book discussion on Red Rock Stories (1.5 hours), sharing about the importance to working to keep our public lands public and protected. Then hiked three miles in the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area. The area we hiked is close to town. We discussed the importance of keeping this area in public lands and how easy it would be for developers to want to purchase it. We also talked about the major road that was put right through the reserve and how we need to stop the future byway that the county wants to put in the reserve. We also viewed sites where the rocks were quarried to build many of the local buildings in the 1800s.


Yes, we meet our goal. We had a good discussion and a nice hike. Although the trail was right in town, most participants had never hiked it and were surprised by all the wild nature that was right in town.


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