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Activity Report Explorer

Wasatch – Salt Lake City • Entered by Barbara McConvill on November 29, 2019

Broadband fundraising project

September 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 10
Post Admin hours 20
Activity Hours 14
Participants 3
Total Hours 72

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Fundraising & Membership Development (fundraising events, grants, relational mtgs, recruitment)
Key Partners: Greater Wasatch Broadband

Short Description of Activity

Created art cards and notecards from the artwork of one of our members. Cards will be sold throughout the next 18 months to raise funds that will be used as matches for future grant opportunities.


The goal is to raise funds for the Broadband and at the same time draw awareness to the mission of Great Old Broads.


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Photo Captions

Four examples of the 6 card set.