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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Linda Starr on December 5, 2019

Quarterly (?) Meeting

December 1, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 2
Participants 18
Total Hours 38.5

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

Despite cold, cloudy, snowy weather, we held our much-overdue quarterly meeting at The Range Cafe off of I-40 on the west side of town. Attendance was good but there was too much talking from other customers and the fact that it’s necessary to have a separate room became definitely apparent to many attendees. CI reviewed Broads activities I had been involved in over the last 6 months, including the 30th Anniversary Celebration and the Leaders Rendezvous in D.C. Susan Ostlie also talked about the Rendezvous, support for forest collaboratives (one person responded with interest. She also talked about upcoming lobbying training in Santa Fe and interest in invasive plant training. Then I encouraged each attendee to take their turn in talking about whatever wilderness or outdoor activity they wanted to talk about. I had hoped to discuss possible activities in 2020, but it was a huge effort to hear folks; some attendees had to leave early, so it was time to quit.


The goal of the meeting was to reestablish face-to-face contact with our Broadband members. Lesson #1 learned: Don’t plan a meeting on a holiday weekend. The room and assembly of tables did not give our
group much privacy and was way-hard to hear speakers. Lesson #2: Investigate other meeting facilities. We were happy with the attendance, including 2 new members of the Broads, whom we were so happy to have them involved.: