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Activity Report Explorer

Greater Bay Area • Entered by Maureen Forney on December 8, 2019

State Parks Advocacy Day

May 6, 2019 – May 7, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 12
Participants 2
Total Hours 32

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: CA State Park Foundation

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy calls/emails/letters (6 Other)
Outcome 2: Other (6 Other)

Short Description of Activity

Training for 4 hours on Monday
Training, briefing, lobbying, debrief day 2


We received 4 endorsements and 2 “will discuss with my boss” responses