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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on December 10, 2019

Broads on the Bus Ride Again! Say NO to Jordan Cove!

November 21, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 8
Post Admin hours 3
Activity Hours 5
Participants 28
Total Hours 151

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Landscape/area: Siuslaw National Forest (630291 acres)

Short Description of Activity

28 Willamette Valley Broads chartered a bus to the rally at the Capitol in Salem to protest the Jordan Cove Eneregy Project in an attempt to persuade Governor Kate Brown to take a stand against it. There was a rally on the Capitol steps with speakers effected by the project, especially the pipeline, from indigenous tribal folk to land owners. Later the group of several hundred filled the rotunda inside singing a just-learned song about having power if we stick together. And during that time folks that had prepared to do a sit-in in the governor’s office filled it. Several of our Broads were included in this group but only one, Beth Malitz, refused to leave and was arrested. She will complete a seperate report to record her hours and experience.


We wanted to increase awareness and give our members an opportunity to be involved in this protest. What we learned is that before chartering a bus we need a commitment from enough people to fill it and the best way to do that is to partner with other organizations. We had only 28 people for a 56 passenger bus. Using Sign-Up Genius makes collecting money easy but they keep 5% for doing so. The bus cost $672 but we brought in only $370 and I had to eat the other $320. Any way to document that as a donation to the Broads?


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Photo Captions

1) Broads on the Bus Ride Again! Willamette Valley Broads join Broads and hundredrs of others from all over the state of Oregon to protest the Jordan Cove Energy Project.
2) Cyndi Anderson making nice with an Oregon State Trooper at the protest.
3) Red was the predominant color at the protest.
4) Probably due to the sit-in and arrests there was quite a bit of news coverage of the event and much attention in the media is being paid to Kate Brown’s refusal to come out against it. Pictured here in Portland news coverage of the rally are Nan Van Sandt, Cyndi Anderson and Joni Nelson chanting their disapporval of Kate Brown’s gutlessness.