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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Susan Ostlie on December 13, 2019

Comment writing session for Cibola NF Forest Plan

October 16, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 10
Post Admin hours 16
Activity Hours 3
Participants 2
Total Hours 32

Key Issue: Landscape-level Planning
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Landscape/area: Cibola National Forest (1616435 acres)

Short Description of Activity

Virginia Seiser and I split up the sections of comments for the RGVBB comments on the final Cibola NF forest plan and EIS – due Nov. 7th. I did three ranger districts and special management areas for them and Virginia did comments for the most complex district – the Magdalena RD. This district has by far the most potential for recommended wilderness.


We did finalize a 13 page draft of RGVBB comments for the Cibola NF and submitted it. Virginia also did separate comments on her own for all four ranger districts.