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Activity Report Explorer

Bozeman • Entered by Linda Healow on December 18, 2019

Bozeman Broadband winter gathering

December 14, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 3
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 2
Participants 8
Total Hours 21

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)

Short Description of Activity

We had 6 attendees. One woman, a potential Broadband member had e-mailed Nancy. One woman, Beth Sirr, is a Broadband member. Two bros came, members of GWA and GYWA along with Broadband member also a member of other two organizations (Clint Nagel, Glenn Monahan, Nancy Schultz). Steve Kelly, AWR, also dropped by. We brought Christmas treats, drinks, handouts, map of proposed GYWA Wilderness plan.


Poor turnout possibly due to date (Saturday afternoon, mid-December). Also possibly due to divisive nature of Gallatin Forest Partnership plan and our stance for more wilderness not in alignment with the big 3 (GYC, MWA, TWS).