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Activity Report Explorer

Bozeman • Entered by Linda Healow on December 18, 2019

GYWA FB Cloned

August 23, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 12
Activity Hours 4
Participants 1
Total Hours 22

Key Issue: Wilderness and Monuments
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: GYWA
Landscape/area: Gallatin National Forest (1849701 acres)

Short Description of Activity

In a surprise move, BDC published Clint’s LTE. Within hours FB page was cloned. Nancy and I responded, were blocked. Contact Thomas. He was stunned as was I. I sent out press releases per plan.


While I had shared press release at last GYWA meeting, Doug, Nancy didn’t feel they had commented/edited thoroughly. Joseph’s comment was ‘superb’, Glenn had me add a bit about wildlife, George added a sentence. At the next GYWA meeting, members were unhappy I’d sent press release out unedited, even though at the previous meeting, comments were made, added. I was confused, frustrated, and angry. Ran it by Katie. She aptly said they thought I was going ‘rogue’. Except there is no process in place for editing. It is time consuming (takes a month – too long to wait for a press release to accompany BDC LTE.) Jim read it, thought it was fine. No one covered it anyway.