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Activity Report Explorer

Yavapai-Prescott • Entered by Barbara Jacobsen on December 18, 2019

Washington DC National Leader Rendezvous

November 3, 2019 – November 7, 2019

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 72
Participants 1
Total Hours 72

Key Issue: Oil, Gas, or Mineral Development
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Endangered Species Coalition, Wildlands Network

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy calls/emails/letters (13 lobby meetings)

Short Description of Activity

Broadband leaders flew to Washington DC to lobby their members of Congress on various bills and issues. Schedule: Nov. 2 arrival and settle into the Airbnb; staff (Lauren, Lisa, Katya) trained leaders all day Nov. 3; Nov. 4 & 5 were scheduled lobby meeting days; Nov. 6 was a play-day and our celebration dinner (some leaders had a few final meetings); and everyone flew out on Nov. 7.
Participants were divided into four lobby teams, Team 1 MT/CO, Team 2 OR/WA, Team 3 AZ/UT/NM, and Team 4 GA/NH. Broads who attended were…
Barbara Phalen (Seattle Polly Dyer BB, WA)
Rynda Clark and Julie Weikel (Central Oregon Bitterbrush Broads, OR)
Di Allison (Greater Wasatch BB, UT)
Linda Star and Susan Ostlie (Rio Grande BB, NM)
Barbara Jacobsen (Yavapai-Prescott BB, AZ)
Nancy Ostlie and Linda Helow (Bozeman BB, MT)
Robyn Cascade (N. San Juan BB, CO)
Karen Ryman (Roaring Fork BB, CO)
Anne Heikkila (Blue Ridge BB, GA)
Carolyn Rader (Atlanda BB, GA)
Linda Graham (Granite BB, NH)

Meetings for the AZ/NM/UT team included:
Senator Sinema (AZ) – Kate Gonzales & Dan Winkler (enviro staffers) Hart 317
Senator Tom Udall (NM) Kate Voss – Enviro Staffer 531 Hart Senate OB
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-02) – Emily Cummins (Legislative Aide focused on environmental issues). 309 Cannon.
Rep. Deb Haaland – (NM-01) – Eric Werwa, Phd. (Legislative Director) 1237 LHOB
Rep. Xochitl Torres-Small (NM-02) – Jake Jackson (Legislative Assistant) 430 CHOB
Brandon Bragato, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Longworth 1327
Senator Lee (UT): Cole LaCroix staffer, 361A Russell Senate Office Building
Rep. Bishop (UT-1): Adam Stewart: leg. director public lands – 123 Cannon Bldg
Senator McSally (AZ): Chris Beckmann, Legislative Correspondent for environmental issues, 404 Russell Senate Office Building
Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-04) – Doug Levine – 2057 RHOB
Rep. McAdams (UT-4) Brennen Cain, enviro staffer. Rm 130 Cannon HOB
Senator Martin Heinrich (NM) and Miya Herman – 303 Hart OB
Senator McSally’s (AZ) Constituent Coffee, 9-10am, in S-120 in the Capitol
Senator Sinema (AZ) hosts Constituent Coffee in Hart Senate Building, room 317.


Meeting with staff of senators and congresspersons was both exciting and educational!
My team, of the 4 corners area, while having much in common, and common issues, delved into certain issues which were chosen and rehearsed in the daylong first day of training. How to do an
“ask” was paramount to the success of being heard (and of course taken seriously) while speaking on issues of the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act of 2019, Americas Red Rock Wilderness Act, Save Oak Flat Act, and the Real ID Waiver repeal. Additionally, we asked for extreme consideration and care re: our southern border with regard to wildlife and human life. Followup letters of thank you were sent to each of the staffers visited. The hope and plan is to monitor legislative movement on these issues and contact staff as needed, as time goes on…
The main learning as a group was apparent as we fine tuned our relationship together and began to share time and bounce from one to the other in generally half hour meetings, more gracefully as the 2 days went on. Working together was emphasized, and while it took a bit of effort, it worked.

Additionally, I took the time to attend 2 coffees with 2 very different AZ senators, and receive a private Capitol tour (with staff “ask” ) between! Later time was taken for a quiet solitary lunch and then walk down the mall to Smithsonian garden, Lincoln Memorial, and WWII and Vietnam Memorials with a friend, before celebrating with all Broads at dinner. All an important part of this learning and working together.