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Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on January 15, 2020

Leadership Planning Call for CES Grant

January 15, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 1.5
Participants 6
Total Hours 9.5

Key Issue: Climate Change
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Oregon Wild/Chehalis Land Trust/Pierce Wildlife refuge

Short Description of Activity

Leaders held a mutual call to discuss ideas for CES planning call with Rachel. The minutes are attached:

Cascade Volcanoes Leadership Planning Call Minutes 1/15/2020 1:00 – 2:20pm
The group reviewed the information that Rachel sent out regarding the education part of the grant. There are three main areas for impact of climate change: Coastal, Rivers and watersheds, and forest. In addition, the diversity piece is important for the entire education aspect. The urgency now part also includes all components.
Judy sent the powerpoint from Rachel. Ginny suggested that Oregon Wild and CCL (Climate Change League) would be potential partners for us and include a greater capacity for outreach. Ginny suggested that we let our partners know what we are working on. Felice mentioned that she would check with Oregon Wild to find out who the point person was for the “Forest Defense is Climate Defense” campaign.
Felice suggested that the March event at Patagonia might contribute to the climate change educational piece. She agreed to contact the Oregon Wild leaders and get their thoughts on the education piece. We need to be careful about avoiding advocacy for this event.
Other thoughts included educating the Coos Bay region about climate change since the Jordan Cove Pipeline was going to impact the climate to a great extent. It was determined that it was a long distance from our region and we couldn’t avoid discussing advocacy if we chose the Jordan Cove project.
Laurie talked about doing a Broadwork at Chehalis Land Trust in November or December. The cost of the trees is expected to be $7,000 to $8000 but Jan, the Chehalis Land Trust leader, may be able to get grants for some trees through the county. The group would stay at Lewis and Clark Retreat Center which is 12 miles from the land trust. 2 days of planting would occur, and the third day would be for fun. The cost of 4 nights of lodging at the retreat center would run $742 to $780 and the cost of the food would also be added. The retreat center has 12 bunk beds, showers, and a meeting room. An educational presentation on climate change would also be on the agenda. Food would yet to be included and that would be paid from the registration fees. National would pay for lodging at the center. Laurie would provide a truck for obtaining the trees. The land trust has offered the cost of the onsite portapotty. Laurie will share the idea of the Broadwork with the Polly Dyer chapter in hopes of gaining support for the project. Publicity could possibly be provided by the national office.

Laurie had another idea whereby trees would be planted at Pierce Wildlife refuge in North Bonneville, Wa. Two half day work parties would be needed, and $2000 worth of trees would be donated by the CES Broads grant. Volunteers would be solicited from schools, community groups, refuge stewards, and Broads for the events. The events would be held on two Saturdays during the months of December, January, or February 2020.
Laurie brought up the Regional Rendezvous in May. Judy, Linda, and Ginny mentioned that they were also interested in going to the event. Lodging will be at Brooks Memorial in Goldendale and Rachel Green is expected to attend on 5/8 to discuss the CES Grant. Food and lodging will be provided by the national office.

Judy shared the results of her research on the March for Salmon/Orca in March 2020. The leader of the event has not yet secured the necessary permits, portapotties, routes, or sag for the event. Our chapter is not yet sure how they can be of assistance and/or participate in the event due to these issues.

Lastly, Judy shared her “Before We Were White” training at This is an online training to better increase our awareness and understanding of cultural differences and White Privilege.

Meeting Adjourned 2:20pm
Next meeting date February 11 at the home of Micky Ryan
Agenda items include: March in March, CES grant, meeting venue, Patagonia event, others


We all listened to each others ideas and gave constructive criticism. Great ideas were generated but no consensus was reached about a project. We will continue throwing around ideas for the Jan call with Rachel.