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Activity Report Explorer

Granite Broads • Entered by Linda Graham on January 20, 2020

Great Meadow Wildlife Refuge

January 19, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 7
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 5
Participants 8
Total Hours 49

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: Volunteers with US Fish and Wildlife

Short Description of Activity

Granite Broads Visit Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord, MA

Sunshine, blue sky, and a trail covered in freshly fallen snow—what could be a better start for a Granite Broads exploration of Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge? Eight Broads were joined by four Refuge volunteers on a perfect New England afternoon. Our 2.5-mile Broadwalk explored the shore of pond-like impoundments created to provide both resting space and food for migrating waterfowl. We learned about the competing challenges of supporting migrating birds, the resident endangered Blanding’s turtles, a community of beavers and muskrats, and the many human visitors who love this place. Refuge volunteers taught us to identify invasive plants and described the methods used in past years to reduce their hold on both forested areas and the open water critical to eagles, peregrines, and migrating waterfowl. We enjoyed watching eagles, swans, red-headed woodpecker, crows and a small flock of bluebirds, well out of their normal range for January. And, in good Broads fashion, we laughed and swapped stories about wildlife and wild places with Refuge volunteers. A great introduction to one of our possible future service project areas!


We realized we had many urban areas to consider in our collaborative. The volunteers introduced us to the many refuges in Ma which are not contiguous. They also suggested two places we may visit for further stewardship, educational opportunities.


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Photo Captions

photo 1- our group
photo 2 – Great Meadow Refuge
photo 3- red tail hawk by Christine Van Dyke