Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on February 22, 2020
Feb 18 Chapter Meeting
February 18, 2020
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 2 |
Post Admin hours | |
Activity Hours | 3.5 |
Participants | 21 |
Total Hours | 75.5 |
Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Short Description of Activity
21 Broads and guests attended our Feb 18 meeting: Laurie Kerr, Judy Todd, Barb Mickey, Ginny Peckinpaugh, Barb Fox Kilgore, Linda Buckley, Joanna Kirchhoff, Doran Burrell, Alice Perry Linker, Cloudy Spears, Jane Wilcox, Rena (guest), Susan Saul, Lu Pinson, Kathleen Worley, Nancy Seigel, Shelly Morrison, Jane Heisler, Ellen Leatham with guest, Ken, and Marty Miles.
SPEAKER: Casey Andrews- (see agenda) Forest Service, Wild Cascade Volcanoes Broadband Minutes Feb 18, 2020
Nell Johnson and Alice linker were and Scenic River/Wilderness Coordinator, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Still dealing with aftermath of fire damage. Mark Hatfield was expanded in 2009….to include gorge…Gets lots of usage with West side the heaviest.i.e. Eagle creek area. 1996 name was changed to Mark Hatfield from Columbia.
Focus on: Recreation site mapping, solitude monitoring, social trail mapping, wilderness stewards training. 2020-21 baseline inventory of current conditions. Solitude Monitoring is needed for baseline data. Data will include: 1) Number of dogs; 2) GROUPS >12; and 3)Low elevation flights. The Wilderness and Rivers program have one paid staff member (Casey), so we are badly needed for this project.
The data is usable for 10 yrs. Summer is the ideal season (prime time) but year round data taking is possible. A minimum of 5 weekday and 5 weekend or holiday monitoring sessions are needed. We are encouraged to talk to users of wilderness. There are 17 use zones based on level of use from very low use to very high usage.
Sampling dates/times include morning 8am -12pm; midday 12pm-4pm, or evening 2pm-6pm during the months of May 15-October 31. There is an easy formon which to record data. Mimic what it would be if hiking the trail.
There was concern about very steep grade for our monitors. Another point raised: combining trails into loop and camping. Campsites designated vs dispersed? Casey may have gps. LNT training optional but would be great. Casey can accompany us. Safety officer is monitoring unsafe areas. Training needed in early May.
ADVOCACY-Felice and Shelly reported on lobby day in Salem (also attended by Darlene).Focus on wildfire related bills. Overlap with cap and trade. Visited 4 legislators: 1) Lauren ?, 2)senator Demrose (committee chair)-$ for treatment-not defined #1536 (Bertsinger from grants pass), 3) Sen Frederick ok with both logging bills (smoke is biggest concern) anti-prescribed burns and 4) thank you to Gov Brown, for support on lower snake dam breach. Action: write senators that #1536 needs revision, more definition. #1514 is better
• March 19 Patagonia event: Jane to email flier. Save the date. 7pm -9pm.
• March 1-Army Corps of Engineers-salmon rally-Holliday park near Lloyd Ctr. Gather there and walk along hwy 14 to Ice Harbor Dam. Check it out at Join for day or weekend. The rally starts at 11am.
• Washington state action items- report by Susan-spoke with American Rivers org re: involvement with wild and scenic rivers. Next meeting SW WA Broad activists March 3 at Laurie’s house 6:30 pm. Susan discussed current legislation and updates from (advocacy) environmental lobby day (Laurie, Lorena, Lu,Susan, and Shelley attended)- clean fuel standard (in committee senate), healthy habitat healthy orcas (no committee action), plastics bill (in committee house)suction dredge mining regulations (in house committee), full funding for US Fish and Wildlife and Columbia Gorge. Feb 19 is the deadline for bills to leave their house of origin. Last day for final vote is March 12. Regarding the Kalama methanol plant, there is a proposal to investigate a Chinese investment company due to conflicting messages sent to investors and the public.
• Wolves are being counted this winter in Washington. The data will be available in April. Public pressure on the Wolf Advisory Committee could help. The pressure to target ranchers in hot spots to agree to pre-grazing plans would prevent depredations that trigger lethal control. Ranchers and land managers could set aside “reserve grazing areas” to move cattle away from locations where adult wolves are rearing pups.
Oregon coyote kills have stopped.
Jordan Cove-The permit has been removed which has delayed the process. Jane mentioned March 19 event at Patagonia. Event starts at 7pm and ends at 9pm.
Forest water protections-limit aerial sprays. Develop habitat restoration for salmon. Not sure how public involved. Withdraw ballot initiative
June 4,5 and 6 hike pumice trail and stewardship with cascade conservancy. More info to come.
Climate Education and Stewardship: Partner with Chehalis Land Trust . The advocacy campaign would be opposing the potential dam on the Chehalis River which would help with flood control. Laurie needs a committee… The second week of November.i.e..Nov 13 would be the optimal time for the Broadwork. Micky and Linda volunteered for committee.
LNT webinar highly recommended if doing solitude monitoring. Preregister at National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance webpage for free webinar if you have not had training prior and are planning on doing solitude monitoring this season.
Confluence project-Linda reported on two upcoming events along with purpose of organization. Felice made contact with Linda M on staff of Confluence. An Idea would be to approach Colin Fogarty, the director of confluence project, and invite him to speak to our group with honorarium.
The Climate Change Lobby conference will be held at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver. February 28-March 1. Space is still available. Sign up at,+wa+2020&oq=climate+Lobby+conference+Vancouver,+wa+2020&aqs=chrome..69i57.29412j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;events&rciv=evn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio_PHas-HnAhWjNn0KHdZ2BhUQ5bwDMAB6BAgMEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htidocid=AKHyheixcyOa2563JpA8-A%3D%3D&htivrt=events&sxsrf=ALeKk01iagDKyHyy_CzhbOP2rmnkFm1d4w:1582245472934
Tree Planting with Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership on February 22 and March 14 at Sandy River Delta, Troutdale. Sign up to help:
Solitude monitoring-discussed how group felt about working with areas suggested by Casey. 20 Broads volunteered, along with 10 willing to do more than 1 session. What kind of swag? Anything under $25. Laurie working on grant.
Other announcements:
• WTA all women work date is May 2. Location to be decided
• Tualatin Birdfest. May 16 (10am – 4pm) Jane needs volunteers to help table.
• Barb reported snowshoe yesterday went well. Next one March 19 at White River.
• September Campout will be held September 10 – 13. The Atkinson Group Site in Trout Lake,Wa. has been selected and has plenty of hiking opportunities nearby. The next planning meeting will be March 26 at Laurie’s home.
• Mileage guidelines-Linda distributed and reported on recommended guidelines for mileage reimbursement on Broads events. No questions were raised. Guidelines are: multiply total miles x .25 and divide by number of passengers excluding driver. Emphasized these are recommendations but no perfect formula. Driver and passengers should agree before trip.
• Badass Broad Awarded to Felice…she was gifted a lovely tshirt and gift card
• Portland Art Museum: new exhibit on Mt St. Helens and volcano events
• Broadwalk May the Forest Be with You-5 slots left. August 21-25. Adirondack bunk beds. Lunch is on your own. Talk to Ellie if interested in financial help.
• Broadwork Regional- John Day area. limited number of slots available. July 13-16.
• Judy shared info on Don’t Dam the Salmon.
Minutes by Linda B
The meeting went fine and all 20 attendees were interested in doing solitude monitoring with the FS. 10 even were willing to do more than one session as well as go out in October! I think we have a great group of committed Broads in our chapter and I am very thankful for everything they do! My next task is to write the grant for the solitude monitoring and it is due March 30. YIKES!
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