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Activity Report Explorer

Willamette Valley • Entered by Cyndi Anderson on March 2, 2020

Winter Social & Meeting in Corvallis

February 19, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 16
Post Admin hours 8
Activity Hours 2
Participants 30
Total Hours 84

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)

Short Description of Activity

This was our bi-annual gathering to encourage old and new members to reconnect or get to know each other and hear about where we’ve been and where we’re heading. The “meeting” part of this one was largely dedicated to describing our new Learning & Advocacy Groups and hearing from those leaders about how to get involved.


The goal was to bring folks together to desribe and recruit for our new Learning & Advocacy Groups, then feed them and let them socialize. We also wanted to recognize Carol Savonen for starting Oregon’s first Broadband since she’s stepping back from leadership. Mission accomplished on all fronts. All three LAGS (Climate Crisis, Rivers & Salmon, Forests) had folks sign up ready to jump in and start working. Beth Malitz, Maya Abels & Chandra LeGue, the LAG leaders, are following up with the sign-ups.


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Photo Captions

Cyndi Anderson presents Carol Savonen with a special platter inscribed with, “Carol Savonen, Oregon’s First Broadband Leader, Great Old Broads for Wilderness” during the Winter Social & Meeting in Corvallis on February 19. The platter was made by Broadband member Rhoda Fleischman of Flashpoint Porcelain.