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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on March 23, 2020

NSJBB ~ Raptor Monitoring Jan-March 2020

January 3, 2020 – March 23, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 11
Post Admin hours 8
Activity Hours 1
Participants 3
Total Hours 22

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: CPW

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Wildlife monitored (6 surveys)

Short Description of Activity

Non-nest Raptor monitoring continues twice per month. This report excludes the surveys that were combined with trainings which are reported in two different activity reports submitted 3/23/20


Excellent participation by members in monitoring. Ridgway State Park and CPW stewards in Denver are pleased with our team!! Unfortunately, there is no activity at last year’s Golden Eagle nest.
As you can see by the pre and post hours, it takes longer to schedule, organize and communicate with volunteers and report data and volunteer hours to CPW than it does to conduct the surveys!!
