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Activity Report Explorer

Wasatch – Salt Lake City • Entered by Barbara McConvill on March 25, 2020

Leadership Team Meetings

January 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours 12
Activity Hours 10
Participants 3
Total Hours 42

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: Greater Wasatch Broadband

Short Description of Activity

Barbara McConvill, Di Allison and Janifer Larson meet the first Monday of each month to discuss the needs of the Broadband, update each other on assignments, plan future events and activities. In the first quarter we reviewed soft credit, ordered a tabling cloth, confirmed the outreach events we would be joining (most have now been cancelled), reviewed survey results, assisted Park City members with snowshoe hike, and reached out to other UT broadband leaders. Our focus for March was to work with the USFS on a grant application they will be submitting for trail work on the area we adopted last fall. Deadline for submittal is March 27.


The purpose of these meetings is to keep the co-leaders focused on the work and enthusiastic about the cause. It also helps to keep us on track with our individual assignments.