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Activity Report Explorer

SW Colorado Great Old Broads • Entered by Fran Silva-Blayney on April 22, 2020

Conversation with a Broad

April 20, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 1
Participants 2
Total Hours 3

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Trainings (WALTS, CAREs/GLOWs, research, conferences, workshops, etc.)
Key Partners: Robyn Cascade

Short Description of Activity

Robyn and I talked on the phone about her experiences being a board. Robyn shared her biggest lessons learned, what she loves most about being a Broadband leader, and what Broadband resources she uses the most.


The goal for this activity was for me to speak with a current Broadband leader and to ask questions about her experiences. One of the best lessons I learned form Robyn was that there is joy to be found in working on conservation issues! Robyn will be a great resource for me as I develop a plan for starting up a Broadband in Colorado Springs.