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Activity Report Explorer

Yavapai-Prescott • Entered by Jenny Cobb on June 27, 2020

Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery

June 10, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 3
Participants 1
Total Hours 0

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)

Short Description of Activity

sat in on two meetings and webinars re Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery – Roz Switzer was a speaker – re comments that were due recently to US Fish and Wildlife. Roz wrote the letter for Broads and Yavapai-Prescott Broadband signed. Roz’s letter was wildly comprehensive! Good Work Roz!


Understand that they received around 40,000 comments. In a chapter meeting today, Sierra Club reported that over 700 were from them. I am a member of Phoenix Packtavists and Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery as well as a member of the Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter Wildlife Advisory Group.