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Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on July 23, 2020

Broadband chapter meeting

July 21, 2020 – July 23, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 2
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 2
Participants 14
Total Hours 31

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

July Chapter meeting for Cascade Volcanoes.


Cascade Volcanoes Meeting Minutes 7/21/20
Attendees: Felice, Micky, Shelley, Susan, Laurie, Doran, Sarah, Kathleen, Darlene, Ginny, Barb, Judy and Carol.
Judy facilitated with clips from Robin DiAngelo (White Fragility), Sherri Mitcheell, Corinna Newsome, and Sam Grant.
Sam Grant mentioned that the climate crisis is connected to people of color. The environmental movement has not always supported people of color. Sherri Mitchell suggested that the voices of the Indigenous people are not being heard. Corinna Newsome noted that Black folks may not feel welcome in the outdoors.
Results of the breakout rooms led to opportunities for discussion of racial injustice, inequality, and inclusion.
How do we engage with people of color? Don’t assume that all people want to spend time in the outdoors. We should participate in their activities and not expect them to participate in our activities. Socioeconomic differences are prevalent. Outdoor activities take resources that minority groups may not have. Sarah mentioned that people in the SW spend lots of time in the outdoors, and not just for hiking. Think about what other ways people might enjoy the outdoors. As Broads, we are not a diverse group. Darlene suggested the Blueprint organization as a a potential partner for our group, and she has worked with them at the Leach Botanical Gardens.

Jordan Cove: Action is currently in the courts. FERC allowed permits and the permits are being challenged. Pembela has to start over on a permit for dredging. Delay is our best hope at this point. Action is to write Kate Brown to urge her to defend the permits. Justin Cove webinar is in the works.
Pumice Plain: The objection resolution meeting with the FS gave lip service to our objections. They have to respond by Aug 5. It is unlikely that things will change with the FS. We have an attorney with Cascade Forest Conservancy.
Moulton Falls Trail: The plan for purchasing the land for the trail is going forward. Clark County will purchase the parcel and commit trail as public lands. This is cause for celebration.
Chehalis River Flood Control Project is actually a dam in the headwaters of the Chehalis near Pe Ell, Wa. It is the longest undammed salmon river in the state. The dam would destroy spawning habitat, wilderness values, and tribal and cultural sites. Public comment period ended 5/27 for the DEIS. The Chehalis County Commissioners are 100% in favor of the project. They have also hired a PR firm to advocate for the dam. We are working with partners Conservation NW, Grays Harbor Stream Team, Chehalis and Quinolt Tribes.
LSRD: A care call on litigation was held discussing the possible plaintiff Advocates for the West. EIS is coming out in July or August. Debra Ellers and Micky are planning an action to publicize the plight of the salmon. Other avenues to explore include educating the public on rate payers having to subsidize BPA for their mismanagement. Current violations of the clean water act are being exposed due to the above average temperatures of the water.
ZigZag Timber Sale: A timber sale in wilderness is proposed. BARK is our partner and has the talking points as well as the info for the zoom call on July 29. Bark website ??
Pebble Mine draft is expected to come out July 24.

Intro to Jordan Cove webinar is being planned by Micky and Felice to review our past and current actions.
LSRD info is posted on our national website and the webinar is recorded.
Speaker series on Climate Change starts Aug 12 @7pm. Our first speaker is Alexa Brown with Grays Harbor Stream Team. She will inform us on Climate Change and the Chehalis Basin. The invite for the series is free to paid members and the invite will be coming out soon from national office.
History of Mt. Rainier webinar Aug 19 @7pm. This virtual event is presented by Polly Dyer and Cascades Volcano Broadbands. It hosts Jeff Antonelis-Lapp, a retired professor and author. This event is free. Contact Laurie if you would like the link to the presentation.
The Cascade Volcanoes Broadband is working on its own website. Please send Felice pictures. Leaders also please update their photos, bio, as well as events.

Solitude Monitoring project is up and going! We currently are monitoring in 3 zones in Mark O Hatfield wilderness. Participants are reimbursed for mileage and meals. We still can use more volunteers on this project. We are expecting to have more zones in North Lake and Bear Lake trails open for monitoring but have not been given approval at this point. Please contact Laurie and get your forms in prior to monitoring.
Climate/Education/Stewardship project will take place November 4,5,and 6th in Chehalis Land Trust Property. This is a joint project with Chehalis Land Trust, Polly Dyer Broadband, Salish Sea Broadband, Cascades Volcanoes Broadband, and others. We will be planting natives along the Chehalis River as well as pulling invasives during the morning session. The afternoon session will involve a short hike along the river in small groups with discussion of climate change impacts and mitigation measures. Contact Laurie for more information.
WTA work party is on hold at this time. It will, most likely, take place later in the fall and involve working in small groups of 6 and under along the Whipple Creek Trail.
Columbia Land Trust is interested in a planting project with our broadband along the Hood River later in the fall.

Mosier Campout: Micky is hosting a picnic/campout in Mosier Aug 8. Please bring your own food and drink as well as camping gear for this socially distanced outing! There are six acres on the property so guests can spread out. Hikes are also on the agenda for those interested.
Annual Campout: The Peterson Prairie group campground has been closed due to COVID. We are researching other sites for our September campout. We are still planning on Sept 10-13 for this event.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm
Meeting minutes submitted by Laurie Kerr


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