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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on August 3, 2020

CES Planning Zoom call

August 3, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 1.5
Participants 5
Total Hours 8

Key Issue: Climate Change
Activity Type: Grant Funded Climate Education & Stewardship Program
Key Partners: Chehalis River Land Trust/Chehalis Tribe/Grays Harbor Stream Team/Twin Harbor Waterkeepers

Short Description of Activity

Laurie, Rachel, Linda, Krestine, and Jan Robinson met to discuss plans for the CES Education and Stewardship Project.


It was so great to have Linda, Jan, Krestine, and Rachel, on the call today! Here are my brief notes about our meeting this morning:

We discussed our list of presenters. Lee First has agreed to present for our September zoom. Laurie will contact her about a possible Sept 9 webinar at 7pm if she is available. Laurie will also ask for her bio and her title to her talk.

Leaders will send out the invites to the presentations to their chapters as well as partners or other groups and individuals. Rachel is working with Susan and Jason at the national office to make some changes on the invite document. Rachel will send it to us when she has it finalized.

Krestine will contact William Thon through Debra Ellers about a possible October 14 date. Krestine will be the contact person for William. There are two speakers from the tribe whom we are both inviting to present.

Linda agreed to contact Kim Ashmore. We decided to change the date from October 14 to November 18 for Kim Ashmore. Linda will send out the letter to him and be the contact person as well.

Laurie will send out the Broads Logo to Linda for the letterhead.

Laurie brought up the idea of using the Climate Change Rivers and Coasts powerpoint and script that Rachel has developed for a possible presentation on October 28. Leaders will take turns presenting modules from the powerpoint. Laurie, Krestine, and Linda have agreed to present modules.

The Stewardship event will be held Nov 4,5,6. We will host 4 groups of 6 for a total of 12 volunteers each day. Community members are welcome and the event is free. It will involve planting native species and pulling tansy, thistle, blackberry, and knotweed as well along the riparian area of the CLT on the Chehalis. Volunteers will bring their own gloves and lunch, but snacks will be provided. The CLT has 8 shovels to loan. Volunteers will stay with their own small team of 4-6 throughout the day. After lunch, leaders will walk the trail and discuss climate change impacts as well as mitigation and facilitate small group interaction. Volunteers will sign both a Broads waiver form as well as a Broads COVID waiver form. Registration is required but this will be a free event open to the public, volunteers, and Broads.

Jan mentioned that the cost of the trees will be $1100 and will include Doug Fir from the Carbon Capture Foundation. A total of 548 trees are needed which will include 205 Doug Firs as well as 343 other native trees.

Laurie noted the need for maintenance of the trees in the coming years. It was suggested that Broads might want to assist with this by planning a camping trip around the stewardship project. Jan mentioned that both she and Jan Strong may be able to provide camping locations for these volunteers in the future.

Laurie will provide technical assistance for the upcoming Zoom webinar with Alexa Brown on Aug. 12. Linda will provide the introduction to Broads organization as well as introducing Alexa. Linda will also discuss the stewardship opportunity in November and a link to registration. Laurie to assist with Q and A after Alexa presents.

Meeting adjourned 12:30 pm
Minutes submitted by Laurie