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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Linda McNeal on November 12, 2020

November Monthly Broadband meeting

November 2, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 6
Post Admin hours 2
Activity Hours 2.25
Participants 16
Total Hours 44

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Short Description of Activity

11.2.20 NSJBB meeting Zoom
Focus: Border Wall
16 attendees plus Sally2.25 hours
16 x 2.25 hours pre=6 hours; post = 2 hours

1. Land Acknowledgement: I live on and speak/write today from colonized Indigenous lands from which the Nuche were forcibly removed (in breach of the Brunot Treaty.) The Nuche (aka Utes) were displaced from their traditional hunting, fishing and gathering places; ceremonial sites; and land and water they hold sacred to this day. Other indigenous tribes including the Dine frequented this area and used the Uncompahgre Valley as a migration corridor. The public lands for which we advocate are landscapes revered and cherished by their Indigenous stewards –past, present and future. This acknowledgment is a mere first step to remind us of the frame of our work and the ongoing need and desire to honor and collaborate with the original protectors of this land.
2. Introductions/Check-in 2 words in conjunction or separate to express thoughts or feelings at this moment.
3. Review of agenda
4. Announcements:
• Capitol Tree action (November 11) Diane
• CORE Day of Action (November 12) Robyn
• Hinsdale OHV action – Sally
• google doc review
5. Screening A Wall in the Wild: Erasing the Borderlands Webinar
taking the power of $ allocation away from Congress is illegal; Trump stealing $ from DOD. $25,000,000/miles; generational trauma for native people; illegal to harm saguaro; O’odahm Indigenous
6. Presentation/Discussion with Di Allison, (Greater Wasatch (UT) BB leader) who has visited the Border Wall (during a Broads national event!) 1990 after NAFTA passed 4 million Mexicans looking for work incited anti-immigrant sentiments; REALID Act 2005 Section 102.
7. Discussion of environmental & social justice issues integral to the Border Wall debacle as a segue to Broads commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our Public Lands work.

JEDI component of NSJBB November 2 meeting

1. (Robyn) Quote from Dan military power faces off with most vulnerable species – plants, and animals.Segue from Di’s comments and Q & A to Sally’s report of Nellie’s detention with mention of awareness that public lands are colonized indigenous lands and Broads attempts to demonstrate solidarity and inclusivity – perhaps mention land acknowledgment as an initial step and collaboration with Regina. We are stronger and more effective with a broader base and more diverse voices and knowledge

2. (Sally) Share Nellie’s story as example and emphasize the critical connection between public lands protection and environmental justice/equity/diversity/inclusion

3. (Sally) efforts at national with DEI committee (composition and goals) perhaps highlight that Nancy, Anne and Sherry are with us (if they join) and that Board supports effort…. specifically address “mission creep”

4. Open up to questions/conversation


Interesting program about impacts of the Border Wall on habitat.