Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Linda Starr on December 31, 2020
Glo/Care calls; Webinars
June 29, 2020 – June 1, 2020
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 1.25 |
Post Admin hours | |
Activity Hours | 5 |
Participants | 1 |
Total Hours | 6.25 |
Key Issue: Public Lands Health & Protection
Activity Type: Education & Outreach (tabling, films & lectures, regional B-walks/works)
Key Partners: GOBW, Interfaith Power & Light, For the Generations, Wilderness Society, Aspen Institute, Center for Bio. Diversity,
Short Description of Activity
6-29, Care Call, Resources & Engaging community; 6-30, Webinar w/ Wilder. Soc. & Aspen Inst. re public lands & solutions to climate crisis and environmental justice; 6/30, Webinar, Linking Ethical & Justice Concerns on Oil & Gas w/ Green Amendment; July 1, Ctr. Bio. Div., Webinar, Wildlife Trade legislation; GOBW, Webinar Where Wildlife Roam, habitat connectivity
Knowing that Gaye Berman is go-to-person for funding and resource information in GOBW was useful and tips on asking for matching funds and contacting supermarkets and restaurants for funding sources were great tips; It was fabulous hearing Sally Jewell talk about environmental justice and we learned about canceled leases in Montana and I knew about the desert renewable energy in California after a broadwalk nearby; on 6/30, Interfaith Power and Light did a nice job of tying in environmental justice concerns with oil and gas extraction and how the Green Amendment in NM might help; June 1- Nature Conservancy had a great presentation relating historic racism to fragmented landscapes and the need for habitat connectivity and CBD talked about preventing future pandemics because of wildlife species getting sick from exploitation and that species are driven to extinction. they needded signatures on petitions;