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Activity Report Explorer

Greater Wasatch • Entered by Janifer Larson on December 27, 2020

Selecting an artist to create the art work on interprative signs for Winters Grove Trail

August 26, 2020

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 10
Participants 3
Total Hours 30

Key Issue: Landscape Planning (Forest Plans, RMPs, TMPs, etc.)
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: USFS, RAMP, Ogden Nature Center, NUTF, Huntsville Town, Greater Wasatch Broadband

Short Description of Activity

Choosing a local artist to construct the art work for the six interpretive signs for our Winters Grove Trails Stewardship project.


We found a local artist along with her sister to layout and come up with the perfect art work for the six interpretive signs for our trail. The signs are complete but are working with the education department at the Ogden Nature Center and USFS for some interpretation and description for the signs .Work in progress.