South San Juan Broadband • Entered by Carole McWilliams on March 8, 2021
Grazing meeting SJNF
February 4, 2021
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 3 |
Post Admin hours | 1 |
Activity Hours | 1.25 |
Participants | 3 |
Total Hours | 7.75 |
Key Issue: Livestock Grazing Management
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: San Juan NF Range Program
Landscape/area: San Juan National Forest (1864595 acres)
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (3 )
Short Description of Activity
Meeting with 6 San Juan NF staff. Jimbo Buickerood of SJCA and Deb Paulson and Anne Dal Vera to hear FS response to our written report given in September of 2020.
We initially felt we were not heard and our observations were not heeded. No changes to permit instructions (AOI) were likely to be made.