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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Linda Starr on March 31, 2021

NM Green Amendment Steering Committee weekly meetings

February 3, 2021 – February 24, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.75
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 7
Participants 1
Total Hours 8.25

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: NM Green Amendment For the Generations, Youth United for Climate Crisis Action, Southwest Environmental Center, Southwest Native Cultures, New Energy Economy, and many more

Short Description of Activity

Discussion of difference between “trustee” and “steward”, debrief about Rules Committee, preparation for Judiciary Committee, getting more organizations to sign on in support, creating a steering committee google group to make internal communications more efficient; reports on outreach to legislators; discussion re getting scheduled in Judiciary Committee.


We discussed all of these agenda items and more at our four meetings. However, we were only successful in seeing SJR 3 pass from Rules Committee to Judiciary, where, sadly, it stayed hidden under the Chairman’s files and was never brought to the table for a hearing. Nor did he have the courtesy to respond to emails or phone call requests, or the asks from other sponsors and supporters.