Yavapai-Prescott • Entered by Jenny Cobb on April 29, 2021
Blue Bell Wolf Creek Grazing Analysis Project
April 29, 2021
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | |
Post Admin hours | |
Activity Hours | 9 |
Participants | 1 |
Total Hours | 9 |
Key Issue: Livestock Grazing Management
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Sierra Club Yavapai Group, Sierra Club
Landscape/area: Prescott National Forest (1257005 acres)
Short Description of Activity
Met PNF representatives (district ranger Sarah Clawson, Wildlife Biologist Noel Fletcher, Range manager Joh Kava in charge, Cisco, and others. There were 14 of us total. Fish and Game, AZ Game and Fish at Cleator, AZ. Also there was one permittee. From there we caravanned on narrow, rocky, forest road to hilltop above Yellow Jacket Spring where we met with another permittee and his ranch manager. Several of us hiked down a steep, rocky trail (400 foot delta, 1/3 mile) to the spring. The spring house was upstream – water in holding barrel in the ground – clear water about 2 feet down. The water is pumped out in black pipe keeping cattle out of the riparian area.
Back to the hilltop for discussion. Sierra Club Tom Slaback rode with me. We recently commented on Scoping. We asked about climate change: “We adjust numbers, no. of cows (note 6 permittees off the forest right now); Noel asked for cover on spring tank along with escape ramps for wildlife there and elsewhere; Permittee Tom Lowe is raising Wagu beef – supposedly higher in unsaturated fat. Next we drove to another site and inspected soils and flora. We all had lunch – John gave us maps, etc. etc. They wanted us to be happy. I thanked them for including Broads in pre-scoping and field trips. Specialist reports are now due end of July before preparation of the EA. We saw a Coopers Hawk. Photos available – can pull off of my Facebook page.