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Activity Report Explorer

South San Juan Broadband • Entered by Carole McWilliams on May 19, 2021

Burnt Timber trail work 3

May 4, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 8
Participants 4
Total Hours 34

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Landscape/area: Weminuche Wilderness (496972 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail cleared/built (300 sq feet)
Outcome 2: Hiked (2 miles)

Short Description of Activity

The goal was to learn about tread work on trails and improve the condition of the Burnt Timber Trail. All total, we cut out a hung up tree, dug 5 drains, and blocked off 300 square feet of braided trail. Good satisfying work!


This was the first day we saw water was flowing through the diversion we built in 2019 to return the stream to its channel and get it off the trail. The diversion worked well, and we shored up a spot that had started to leak a small amount. Then we went on up the trail and dug a drain and moved some rocks and blocked off a braid that will recover when people stop using it. We also worked on a lower section of trail where the aspen tree was still across the trail and built two drains and moved the log (with pry poles) so that it blocks the braid. Then we moved other logs and rocks onto the braid.