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Activity Report Explorer

Tucson Broadband • Entered by Su Libby on June 27, 2021

Wildlife BRAT PNW

June 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 10
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 10
Participants 2
Total Hours 30

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Other Administration (reporting, emails, calls, planning)
Key Partners: PNW Broadband Leaders and Christina Anderson..Oregon PAAWS, John Mellgren Western Environmental Law Partners, Brittany Cotton Cascadia Wildlands

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Recruit members to new BRAT (7 )
Outcome 2: Set Up Wildlife BRAT Google Group
Outcome 3: Procure possible admittance to Oregon Wildlife Coalition (1 )[/if 1231]

Short Description of Activity

To Establish a New Wildlife BRAT for the State of Oregon and later, possible extending to the PNW.
* Confer with Willamette Valley Leadership
* Confer with Central Broads Staff ( Katya and Micky)
* Send out invitation message to all PNW Leaders
* Collect names of those initially interested and send to Katya
* Respond to emails of initial members interested with questions
*Establish Google Group
* One face to face meeting, one Zoom meeting and one phone meeting with members of the Oregon Wildlife Coalition.


When I arrived back in Eugene at the beginning of May, I was not sure how to approach the issue of involving the Broads in more wildlife protection on a larger scale. Several pieces of wildlife legislation that were put forth in 2020 failed miserably in a State where the legislature is heavily Democratic. After several conversations and some support from both other members and staff, I felt that I could move forward with an attempt to create an entirely new BRAT. I knew this would be a daunting task because many of us are already overextended.

However,, in just two short months I believe that we have the beginnings of a Wildlife BRAT. Over the remainder of this summer I hope to gain the Broads organization membership into the Oregon Wildlife Coalition which I believe will ultimately be the best hope for getting the critical mass needed to push some of the reluctant legislators.

At some point in early autumn I hope we can have a Zoom meeting to help set any future agenda.