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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by NSJBB Leader (Blank Account) on August 7, 2021

USFS Wilderness Solitude Monitoring

June 25, 2021 – July 31, 2021

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 20.75
Post Admin hours 3.75
Activity Hours 5
Participants 10
Total Hours 74.5

Key Issue: Wilderness & Monument Designation/Protection
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: USFS Ouray District
Landscape/area: Uncompahgre Wilderness (FS) (102214 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Trail/land monitored (7 surveys)

Short Description of Activity

We had 7 members participate one or more times to complete 7 Solitude Monitoring Surveys on 4 or our five assigned trails. We have sign ups for August and September to complete our commitment. The surveys include gathering data on how many encounters there are, how many people in each encounter and data regarding campsites.


We have the same team of members completing these Solitude Monitoring Surveys this year as last year. Completing Solitude Monitoring on USFS trails continues to be a favorite activity of our members. Some go alone. Some go with a friend. We have had great participation in this activity this year.