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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Laurie Kerr on February 17, 2022

Cascade Volcanoes Broadband Meeting

February 15, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 7.5
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 1.5
Participants 17
Total Hours 33

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Event Attendees (17 people)

Short Description of Activity

Virtual Chapter Meeting of CVBB for February 2022


I recorded the meeting and sent out the link to the recording as well as the minutes of the meeting. The minutes are attached. I had some difficulty logging into my zoom account the first time but now I have it figured out. I have not received any notice of my reimbursement for the cost of the annual zoom account from Katya but hope to have it soon. The meeting went well but too much information for a 90 minute session and the last part was very rushed.


Upload 1

Photo Captions

1- Meeting Minutes