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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Barb Fox-Kilgore on March 8, 2022

Snowshoe Hike

March 7, 2022 – March 7, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 4
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 6.5
Participants 9
Total Hours 63.5

Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Social Events (gatherings, potlucks, plain ol’ fun)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Hiked (5.5 miles)

Short Description of Activity

A social snowshoe hike with 9 Broads making the June Lake loop starting at Marble Mtn snow park taking the Pine Martin trail to the June Lake TH to June Lake connecting to the Pika trail to the Swift trail back to the snow park, logging in 5.5 miles. Visibility was very poor with heavy fog and white out conditions. Sarah and Barb with a trail app, map and compass found the connecting route. Snow conditions and extreme melt out in areas looked like late April/May conditions not March. Temps were in the upper 40’s which is very warm for the 1st part of March. This was the second attempt to do this hike due to weather, landslides and avalanches. We got it done!!!


This was a successful hike with good positive energy. Participants were well prepared for conditions.
There was much conversation on climate change, global warming when observing the current condition during the hike.


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Photo Captions

1. Cascade Volcanoes trekking to June Lake
2. Challenging visibility at the higher elevation but navigation skills got us through
3. Cascade Volcanoes – June Lake Snowshoe