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Blue Diamond Broadband • Entered by Laura Glismann on March 28, 2022

First Blue Diamond Broads meeting!

March 27, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 1
Post Admin hours 1
Activity Hours 3.75
Participants 2
Total Hours 9.5

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Landscape/area: Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area (195819 acres)

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Other
Outcome 2: Advocacy actions
Outcome 3: Hiked [/if 1231]

Short Description of Activity

The first Blue Diamond BroadBand invited all email contacts to wander up to Blue Diamond in the Red Rock Conservation, have a cup of tea, and talk about our love of Wilderness. Participants Cicco, Linda, Diana, Serrin, Rita, Hannah, and myself, Laura G, jumped right in over coffee & scones with introductions and background sharing. Forty-five minutes later we strolled over the 4 acre Blue Diamond Riparian and discussed are choices for volunteer activities. Rita is deeply involved with the existential threat of climate change and is a long-time active member of Citizen’s Climate Lobby. Rita will be giving a primer on the Science and data of Climate Change to Blue Diamond Residents at our beloved BD library. BD Broads will be joining CCL at the Springs Preserve tabling event next month. Everyone was interested in the Monarch Butterfly Waystation project. Cicco has ideas about involving UNLV students with her connections to former students of her own.
We are off to a good start!


Interest has been stirred. Attendance was less than expected, but it worked out. Smaller was nice. The stroll was nice, the weather was beautiful; the conversation was easy and fun. Solid progress in a number of areas was made:
-Library talk on Climate Change – in planning
-Invasive Tamarisk removal event discussed – April 23
-Hiking the canyons of 159 – in planning
-Trash pick up ideas discussed
-Springs Preserve’s tabling event – scheduled


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Photo Captions

1. Linda’s sketch of the view from our table in BD.
2. Cicco, Laura, Diana, Hannah, and Rita under the Bank’s Rose.
3. Cicco, Hannah, Rita, Laura, Linda
Serrin took the pictures