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Activity Report Explorer

Northern San Juan • Entered by Robyn Cascade on March 30, 2022

CPW State Trails Committe Advocacy

March 1, 2022 – March 31, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0
Post Admin hours 0
Activity Hours 15
Participants 2
Total Hours 30

Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: BHA, TRCP, CWF, Roz/Rocky Mtn Recreation Initiative

Measurable Outcomes

Outcome 1: Advocacy actions (4 comments)
Outcome 2: Advocacy actions (1 calls)

Short Description of Activity

NSJ Broads (Sallie & Robyn) collaborated with BHA/Craig Grother and RMRI/Roz McClellan to submit a cover letter and revisions to the State Trails Committee three non-motorized grant applications – Planning & Support, Maintenance, and Construction. Prior to submission, our coalition (including Liz Rose/TRCP and Suzanne O’Neill CWF) also met (virtually) with State Trails Program Manager Fletcher Jacobs. Roz and Robyn plan to provide oral public comment at the April 1 STC meeting.


Excellent collaboration with partners; feeling proud of our written products. Time will tell if they effect change!!


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Photo Captions

1. Cover letter to STC
2. Suggested revisions to Planning and Support Grant Application
3. Suggested revisions to Maintenance Grant Application
4. Suggested revisions to Construction Grant Application