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Activity Report Explorer

Cascade Volcanoes • Entered by Barb Fox-Kilgore on March 31, 2022

Petition Writing

March 31, 2022 – March 31, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.25
Post Admin hours
Activity Hours 0.25
Participants 1
Total Hours 0.5

Key Issue: Landscape Planning (Forest Plans, RMPs, TMPs, etc.)
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: Center for Responsible Forestry

Short Description of Activity

Letter submitted to Gov. Inslee and staff.
Dear Governor Inslee,
I am writing to urge you to STOP logging 100-year old legacy forests on state trust lands. Legacy forests are older, un-planted forest remnants that were selectively logged mostly during the early 20th century. Legacy forests have all but disappeared from state forestlands managed by the DNR. These historic forests are an important part of our natural heritage, and a critical tool in efforts to conserve biodiversity, mitigate the climate crisis, reduce the risk of fire damage to nearby communities, and draw down and store carbon dioxide on the landscape.
The Department of Natural Resources is actively logging the few legacy forests that remain in Southwestern Washington. Sauerkraut, Ode to Joyce, Fontal, and Elochomotive are recent examples of timber sales that would include the logging of legacy forests. Some of the trees in these timber sales are close to five feet in diameter and 200 feet tall. The logging of mature legacy forests on DNR managed lands violates Board of Natural Resources policies intended to preserve older forests, which dictate that structurally complex forests may be considered for harvest only after older forest have been met.
If your administration wants to be seen as a leader on issues of climate and the environment, it is imperative that you work to protect the carbon-rich forests of our State.
Thank you for listening.
Barb Fox Kilgore
Woodland WA


The more voices heard the better to hopefully make a change for the better.