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Activity Report Explorer

Rio Grande Valley Broadband • Entered by Susan Ostlie on March 31, 2022

Mt. Taylor/Zuni Mt. Collaborative

February 1, 2022

Participants and Hours

Pre Planning hours 0.5
Post Admin hours 0.5
Activity Hours 1
Participants 1
Total Hours 2

Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Relationship Building with non-white and/or frontline communities (relational meetings, attending events, community support, etc.)
Key Partners: SWCD, mostly local volunteers and local FS personnel, although there was only one person from the FS there.

Short Description of Activity

Projects update by MTZMC Collaborative:
1. Paving Road to La Mosca: Gravel to Run/Ski canopy
2. Lobo Canyon Trail Project –
3. State Roads and OHV
4. Quartz Hills
Old Business:
Forest Plan Revision Decision expected sometime near summer, maybe.
Travel Management- how can we help?
New Business:
Heather Provencio from the Regional Office to share information on the Infrastructure Bill and what we could expect on the Mt Taylor Ranger District.
Dealing with the government.
Upcoming Events:
Mount Taylor Winter Quadrathlon 2/19/2022
Rugged West 2022


I was able to request that the meeting be on zoom as well as in-person, so was able to attend for 40 minutes. Most of the items on the meeting agenda were not things upon which I needed to give input because they were continuations of projects that local people were spearheading. Some were on public lands and some were not. Most of them I support, except for paving the road to La Mosca. However, my opinion on that has been known for years, and there is no DOT funding to support it anyway.