Rogue Valley • Entered by Susie Schmidt on July 5, 2022
Stewardship at $8 mountain
May 28, 2022
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 0.5 |
Post Admin hours | 1 |
Activity Hours | 5.25 |
Participants | 2 |
Total Hours | 12 |
Key Issue: Multiple apply
Activity Type: Stewardship (monitoring, sampling, planting, etc.)
Key Partners: KS WILD
Landscape/area: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (OR) (1718893 acres)
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Trail cleared/built (1 sites/plots)
Outcome 2: Clean-up (2 sites/plots)
Outcome 3: Trail/land monitored (4 acres)[/if 1231]
Short Description of Activity
KS Wild sponsored the 5th annual stewardship project on $8 Mountain area in the Illinois Valley. We helped to protect botanical areas, which are nestled on the edge of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and along the Wild & Scenic Illinois River.
The rain and wind didn’t dampen our spirits to get the job done! Photo monitoring was accomplished, along with repairing and installing two buck and rail fences which protect an beautiful Darlingtonia fen. On this same day, another crew worked on replacing this Portal Entry sign as you enter the protected botanical area. The Portal Entry signs are essential to the enforcement of this area; if taken down, law enforcement officers cannot legitimately write a ticket. We also accomplished some fire-pit removal, broken glass pick-up, and scoping the location for the new interpretative sign and fencing at the Howell Mariposa Lily research site/ Jeffrey Pine savannah.
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Photo Captions
1) Group shot of volunteers
2) Drilling holes
3) Flowers!!