South San Juan Broadband • Entered by Louise van Vonno on July 30, 2022
Sag meeting
July 27, 2022
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 1 |
Post Admin hours | 0.25 |
Activity Hours | 4 |
Participants | 5 |
Total Hours | 21.25 |
Key Issue: Wildlife Protection
Activity Type: Advocacy (rallies, lobbying, meeting decision makers, letters/calls/emails)
Key Partners: SAG
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: participants (5 people)
Outcome 2: Advocacy actions (3 comments)
Outcome 3: Other [/if 1231]
Short Description of Activity
The SAG, an advisory group to the Colorado division of Parks and Wildlife, held a public hearing on whether wolves should become added to list of snimals that can be hunted for recreation. 3 Broadband Members showed up and commented.
The goal was to show support for the Wolf Introduction bill that was passed to restore wolfs to the wilderness, not to restore wolves and then shoot them!