Polly Dyer – Seattle • Entered by Penelope Peterson on August 15, 2022
Polly Dyer Seattle Broadband Meeting
July 14, 2022 – July 14, 2022
Participants and Hours
Pre Planning hours | 8 |
Post Admin hours | 3 |
Activity Hours | 2 |
Participants | 14 |
Total Hours | 39 |
Key Issue: Doesn’t apply
Activity Type: Broadband Meeting (prep, implementation & follow up)
Key Partners: Polly Dyer Seattle Broads
Measurable Outcomes
Outcome 1: Event Attendees (14 )
Short Description of Activity
On July 14, 2022, our new leadership team of Genia Moncada, Barb Muirhead and I led our first in-person meeting of our Broadband. We held the meeting outdoors at 1 pm on the lake at Kate Bradley’s homeis on the Sammamish Plateau, not far from the Hazel Wolf wetlands. We had drinks and snacks available so the first half and hour was devoted to eating and socializing as we all settled in a circle in chairs overlooking the lake. Before the meeting, I had prepared a two-page written survey for Broads to complete so that Genia, Barb, and I could get an idea of our Broadbands’ interests in each of four areas–Education, Stewardship, Advocacy, and Fun. I have attached the survey. Here is the agenda for our meeting:
Agenda for Seattle Broadband Meeting on July 14, 2022
Kate Bradley’s House on her lawn overlooking the lake
1. Introductions
2. Hand out our written survey and have everyone fill it out
3. Plans for this year
Hikes (Barb Muirhead)–Next hike is August 29 at the Federation Forest, a site for old-growth trees
Stewardship project (Genia and Barb M—Planning for one this fall
Book Club via Zoom on October 13th, discussion of “To Speak for the Trees” by Diana Beresford-Kroeger
Future meetings—next Broadband meeting will be outside at Pati An’s house on September 29th
4. Advocacy for “Saving the Silence” in the Olympics and for the Olympic National Park (Genia)
Write postcards
The official meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm. Broads stayed around until 3 pm to chat and clean up.
I attach the minutes of our meeting. We consider the meeting a success as we had fourteen in attendance, which is larger than our typical attendance previously. Also, we had the opportunity to survey some of our Broadband members to gauge interests to be able to plan our future activities. After the meeting, I sent out the written survey to some additional members who were unable to attend this meeting because they were on vacation or ill. I included a written self-addressed stamped envelope to encourage return of the survey.